If I Had A Million Dollars……

First of all, I would like to wish all the readers of My 15HWW a Happy Chinese New Year!

Today’s the third day of the year of the goat and boy am I glad that it’s a Saturday! The wife is off to the temple with her extended family and I was thankfully “exempted” from this arduous trip. Yes, I simply can’t stand jostling with huge crowds and risk being burnt by some of the joss sticks.  😆

And instead of idling away on my iPad, I have decided to fire up the laptop and write a short blog entry. Yeah, motivation’s running high to get back to the writing groove! So I was thinking why not another poem after getting a surprisingly good reception the previous time round?

Yeah, I admit that poem can hardly be deemed as cheerful but then but please don’t label me as a hopeless melancholic just yet. Because here’s a much more light-hearted one that reflects some of my cheekier thoughts during this festive period!


If I Had A Million Dollars……


If I had a million dollars
Maybe I would just buy a car
For travelling to the West is pretty far
And there’s no need to dip into the retirement jar

If I had a million dollars
My red packets would have an additional zero
That should make me a hero
When the kids see me tomorrow

If I had a million dollars
I would make all the kids happy
Playing blackjack crappy
And making their wallets heavy

If I had a million dollars
I might establish myself as a Zodiac master
Uttering common-sense mutter
And make Gen Y audiences shudder

If I had a million dollars
Could I say no to long pants & shirts with collars?
Oh no not during Chinese New Year
When I have to look presentable to relatives of my dear  😉 



And here’s a song that I like to listen to during CNY.  😆

(I have also chosen one with English lyrics since I am attracting some international audiences lately. )


8 Replies to “If I Had A Million Dollars……”

  1. Hi 15hww

    I am equally as glad that its only a saturday still. Oh boy dont let today pass so quickly please.

    That’s a nice poem there. Somehow when I read it has a nice rap to it, maybe we can hear you sing that during another singing talent at bfp someday 🙂

    1. Hi B,

      How fast time flies. It’s been another two weeks since your last reply!

      I doubt I can sing as well as Chris. Heard he’s a big talent! =p

  2. Hi 15hww,

    Hmm, nice poem!

    If I had a million dollars, I would most likely continue working what I do, but at a much reduced pace. Maybe out of 7 days, I would choose to work only 3 days? I would take up more needy students and teach them for free or at a very low rate.

    1. Hi RetailTrader,

      Yup, but have been really neglecting this blog for a couple of months already. *sigh*

  3. hi there, Mr M15HWW!
    just surfacing to wish you happy CNY!

    and, i enjoyed that cny poem of yours! hehe, hope you get into the ‘poetic’ mood often ^^

    1. Hi bb mag,

      Hope you had a great CNY too! Just popped over to your blog and love your part 5 on the Progressive Wage Model. Kudos to Alice!

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