Hello World…… And Some Brief Updates

Hello World!

I know. It’s been a while.

I mentioned that I would take a 6 month break from blogging, but to be honest, it could easily have been for an indefinite period. That’s how burnt out/bored I was. With both personal finance/investments and writing.

But here I am, writing something after a 9 month hibernation. I guess having an extended break helps. The adage is true. Separation does really help to make the heart grow fonder.

What I Have Been Up To

Most people have no idea how much time blogging/writing sucks up. So, not blogging for essentially one year freed up a lot of time.

As much as I wanted to tell you how I managed to read, cook, exercise and slept more, the truth is…… the needle barely moved. 

Sure, I still go to the gym about twice a week (to maintain my weight and size of the belly) and I had a much higher workload than the previous year. But still, l had decent pockets of free time every week. Which I duly spent on two major time sinks, Netflix and PS4.

The Mrs and I have basically gobbled up ten seasons of Big Bang Theory over the past few months. Before that, I had also completed about three seasons of FIFA 19 with my beloved Liverpool (I played every 5-minute game). These options were really the paths of least resistance, and maybe highest temptations.

Why I Think I Am Blogging Again

So, is that a year down the drain?

Nah, because I really enjoyed myself during those few months of obsession. Obsession is a personal trait that has its pros and cons. I highly doubt I can ever get rid of it. When I start something, I tend to dive deep down into it, “complete” it/get bored of it (whichever comes first) and then move on with my life. Meanwhile, other stuff would just have to be “managed”.

The fact that I am back at this platform means dramas, movies and games cannot hold my attention any more. A few months is a relatively short period of time in my opinion. I used to think I could watch and play all day during my future retirement. I don’t know, is this a sign of maturity or maybe I am just becoming old before my time. 

Moreover, I do have quite a few things I believe I want to write on. Pent-up thoughts on a wide range of issues. And writing helps me become a better communicator, which is beneficial to my work as a tutor.

Writing aligns with my self-interest. That is good since it tends to help make things more sustainable. And of course, appealing to my ego. Boy am I surprised that this blog could still generate about ~400 views a day for the past year, when there was just one new post (albeit a great and comprehensive one).

And of course, two months back, I just paid to renew the hosting of this blog (a few hundred quid) for another three years.

It would be such a waste not to continue, isn’t it?

My lull period is here. In fact, today’s a free day with no scheduled lessons, which leaves me with no excuse not to write. Stay tuned for more personal updates and of course, stuff on personal finance and investments. 

13 Replies to “Hello World…… And Some Brief Updates”

  1. Hey welcome back!

    Netflix can be such a time sucker, but sounds like you needed that break to get it out of your system. We look forward to your new posts.

    While you were away we’ve embarked our our first mini-retirement with the CocoJrs! Thanks for sharing our blog with your readers when we first started blogging. It’s a bit hard to blog while we’re on the road, so only have two posts on our travels so far. We’re more active on Instagram and Twitter. :p

    From the Galapagos Islands

    1. Wow, Galapagos!

      I know who to look for and email for details if I were to make a trip to South America in the future.

      The photos look really good on the blog and keep them coming!

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